Here are some photos of Keanu Reeves in Cannes over the weekend (the light grey blazer) and at the Monday photocall for Man of Tai Chi (the dark blazer). I glanced through these photos yesterday and I thought to myself, “Huh, I wonder why he looks so different…?” It’s because Keanu has had a scruffy beard for most of the year! The beard hid whatever is happening to his chin(s). The beard covered up his weight gain, sort of.

So… Keanu gained weight. Which I feel fine about noting since we (as a society) always note when a woman gains weight and my personal motto is “what’s good for goose is good for the gander.” Keanu is 48 years old and he’s finally getting some of the middle-age spread, either that or he just stopped working out and began a love affair with donuts. In an interview last year with GQ, Keanu was asked about aging and he said: “My knees are well aware of it. Mortality is very different when you’re 20 to when you’re 50. It creeps in here and there, doesn’t it? You look out the f–king window and then you think about your eyes closing.” He’s so… Zen. I really mean that.

So, would you hit it? Are there enough people out there who look at these photos of Keanu and think, “STFU, he just needs a few Pilates classes and of course I would hit it”? Because honestly, this isn’t as bad as it could be. Despite the recent weight gain (which I personally think is just “more to love”), Keanu still looks really good and well-preserved. It’s his crazy gene mix, I think. And his Zen-like existence. I imagine him meditating on the donuts.

PS… The shaggy Mick Jagger hair isn’t helping either, right? He needs a real haircut.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
